Take a step back and look at your social media strategy as an outsider. Are you adding any value, are you only posting about what you’re selling Maybe it’s time to put an hour or two aside and plan out your next month of social media content.
First off, what social media platforms are you using? If you’re trying to run a business and manage more than two social media accounts.. it’s not going to be easy! Start with two, maybe three. I see most of my web traffic from Pinterest, Instagram and then Facebook.
What sort of content are you posting? Is it inspirational quotes? Behind the scenes? Process photos? Or are you posting the same type of content over and over again. Is what your posting getting you engagement? If you’re only posting product photography and you’re not seeing comments and likes come in then maybe you can consider having your product shot in more of a lifestyle setting.
Okay okay. Now let’s look at content. Are you only posting static graphics or images? If so, let’s work on improving that. You can share blog posts, podcasts, articles, infographics, start a discussion, text posts, short videos, long videos and more!
When it comes to strategy. Reconsider what your key message is. Think of your brand voice and what you want to be known for. How will you create your content? Are you going to plan your content out so it’s posted automatically for you? This will help free some of your time. Make sure your content has call to actions included. Do you want them to answer a question? Do you want them to book a free consultation? What can you do to get your followers to react and how can you get them to do so?
Take a quick look at your competition. Don’t look too long. You don’t want to compare yourself exactly. Instead, you want to identify who your competition is. From there, think about similar businesses who are kind of competition, but not direct competition. What are they posting?
It’s all about the return on investment. The more time you put in, the better results you will see. Ensure you’re doing it right and effectively to reduce the time you’re putting in. Use a content calendar. Plan out your content, break up your messaging. After a month of planning, look at your analytics. Can you measure how much interaction and engagement you’re getting? Use this information to make better decisions for next month.